Diederik M. Roijers

Welcome! My name is Diederik M. Roijers. I am the academic liaison for AI research for the City of Amsterdam, and a member of the AI Research team. Our team aims to improve the lives of the citizens of Amsterdam through AI research. Please check out our projects page if you want to know more.

Next to my work at the City of Amsterdam, I am a senior researcher at the AI lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), and I am currently supervising the following awesome PhD students:

My main research interests are urban AI, reinforcement learning, planning, multi-agent systems, and multi-objective decision making. Please check out our tutorials or book for an introduction to multi-objective models and methods for multi-agent systems, RL and planning, or my publication page for information about our latest research. Other interests of mine are game theory, machine learning, robotics, e-tutoring systems, and education.

I obtained my PhD at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Shimon Whiteson and Frans Oliehoek. Please check out my PhD thesis for further details. After my PhD, I worked on social robotics in the TERESA project, at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford; as an FWO Postdoctoral Fellow on Multi-objective Reinforcement learning with Guarantees at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel; as assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; and as senior lecturer and researcher at the Institute of ICT and the Microsystems Technology Research Group where I worked on efficient AI for microproccessing systems and sensor data.

If you would like to contact me please e-mail me at d(dot)roijers[AT]amsterdam{dot}nl or diederik(dOt)roijers[aT]vub{d0t}be.